“…they are in the world, and I am coming to you…I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of th world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.”
John 17:11, 14-17
These were the words Jesus prayed for us in the Garden the night before he was murdered. It’s a solemn prayer, as Jesus undoubtedly knew what lay in wait for him just a few moments later; it is meant as fodder for hope as Christians, a prayer that was prayed by our God and Savior for us. It is the jumping-off point of Uncultured Dad as we as Christians try to navigate this modern world while glorifying God with our words and deeds.
What is Uncultured Dad?
Uncultured Dad is a space for all Christians, who are in the world but not of the world. Any Christian will benefit from all that we have to offer. More specifically, this page is created by dads, each of who have boys and a passion for men to be the men God called them to be. So there will also be articles and podcasts and other resources that are also more specifically geared toward men.

Some of the things you’ll find here will be beneficial as you continue on your journey of growth in Jesus Christ. They include:
- Bible Book Summaries: Are you studying a particular book of the Bible? If so, we’ll have a short write-up and infographic for you to get started. They are not all out yet, but we will be dropping 1-2 per week in order to fill the hopper.
- Now What?: This six-article series will help younger and older Christians alike better understand your faith. Jesus never called us to just create converts, but disciples. Simply bowing your head and saying a prayer is conversion, the steps you take with Christ after that are discipleship. Whether you’ve been saved for 50 years or 5 minutes, this page is for you.
- Conversational Doctrine: Have you ever felt like trying to study theology is too daunting of a task? Or, maybe you’ve never thought about studying theology because it was just for the “academic types.” Well, Conversational Doctrine is for you! We love theology because theology helps to better understand the nature and character of our Creator God. Every person that walks the earth is a theologian in one way or another. This 12-article series will assist you in becoming a better-equipped theologian. The articles are a bit longer, but they are well worth it.
- Blogs: This seems pretty self-explanatory, but I’d be remiss not to mention it. If we plan to help assist Christians on their journey of sanctification, then we have to be ready to fight the good fight in a topical and relevant way. While the doctrine of “Now What?” and “Conversational Doctrine” will never be changed, how we utilize those truths on a daily basis is something all Christians need to be equipped for. And so you’ll find timely and topical blogs at a minimum once per week. And, just to get this out the way: we know not everything we write will be readily accepted, but that’s okay! We love conversation, so join in with us through social media to join in the conversation.
- The 2 Chaps Podcast and YouTube Channel is up and running and ready for you to subscribe. You can follow us on all social media platforms and subscribe to the Podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcast. Make sure to like and share any content that resonates with you and help us spread the impact of staying uncultured!
Why “Uncultured” Dad?
It may seem weird to use the term “uncultured,” maybe conjuring images of barbarians and unkempt bachelors. That’s not the intention. Utilizing the prayer from above, we know that as Christians we are still in this world but are not of it. So how are we to grow in Christ while we’re constantly bombarded with attacks from culture? Especially in this day and age where people are down and outright against the Bible.

When I was in college, I heard a pastor talk about culture. In this conversation, he mentioned there were three ways for Christians to handle different aspects of culture, each of them being the filter by which we interact with the world. The three ways are simply this: reject, receive, and redeem. The foundation of our purpose in this world is to glorify God, and so as we see culture using social media, creating content, listening to music, or whatever you may consider an aspect of culture, has to be filtered through this lens of glorifying God. So, if it’s outright bad and evil, we reject it. If there are useful aspects, and we can utilize them to bring glory to God, we redeem them. And there are some aspects of culture that pose no inherent issue, we simply reuse those. This is how we choose to interact with culture and will be the approach of Uncultured Dad.
We simply cannot reject everything that culture has to offer, because then our ability to connect and reach people for Christ will be null. However, we are in control of how we use culture to build those relationships and seek to develop disciples. It’s not easy, and there will be mistakes, but remember that Christ has already prayed for us and continues to make intercession on our behalf before the Father.
Final thoughts
So there it is our introduction to what will hopefully become your go-to place for resources to grow in your faith. We cannot thank you enough for stopping by and hope that you’ll be back soon. Make sure to help spread the word for us by liking and following our social pages and then sharing them with everyone you know. Our aim is to glorify God, our goal is to serve you, and we’ll do the absolute best we can at both.