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How to study the Bible consistently as a busy dad | Q&A

study the bible

This week’s Uncultured Dad question comes from one of our Facebook followers, Todd Hoppert who asked: “How do you determine what you are going to study in the Bible on a daily basis? Also, what are some things you do to stay consistent in your studying while dealing with work, kids, home life, and relationships?” It’s such a great question because as dads we’ve all struggled to find the time to study the Bible consistently.

We’ll first deal with the question, “How do you determine what you are going to study in the bible on a daily basis?” then proceed to the second part about time.

How to determine what to study in the Bible

The Bible can seem like an overwhelming task when we look at it in its entirety. And while we firmly believe that Christians should study the entire Word of God, it is okay to study it in smaller sections. One thing that we will say: don’t feel the pressure of someone who says, “I finished the Bible in a year,” and think they’re on a different spiritual level than you. We cannot, nor shouldn’t, compare ourselves with others.

Another important note, we have to remember that the books of the Bible were written as letters – specifically in the New Testament – and should be studied in their entirety. But the question is how do we know what to choose or where to start?

The answer could be as simple as “Just pick a book and start reading it,” but that’s a cop-out. But it really can be that simple. However, it can also be very helpful to have a plan to study through. Apps on your phone like YouVersion can be really helpful and also have baked-in plans that help you and will even set reminders for you. There are other reading programs that can help assist too:

For us, it’s more important that you’re in the Bible than that you’re completing a plan; but having a plan is always a great start. You wouldn’t blindly throw ingredients together and hope for a gourmet meal. What would we approach our “daily bread” in a random way then? Pick a book to read through or follow a plan to assist, but the key is to get into the habit of daily Bible reading, our daily communion with our Creator.

Creating Time Daily, even when busy

The second part of the question is equally good. As dads, we have a ton of things throughout the day that are pulling at us from our job to our families, and other responsibilities around the house. We have to remember that our priorities should be Christian, Husband, Dad and then go from there. Too often our calendars are filled with meetings, dance recitals, and date nights that don’t leave too much room to study the Bible.

We worship what we prioritize. And even amid the craziness that is in our lives, we will either prioritize Bible study or we won’t. Now, no one gets this perfect and we’re not going to act like we have it all together. But there is nothing wrong with building time into your daily schedule for Bible study. Maybe that means staying up 30 minutes later each night or waking up 30 minutes earlier and spending it in the Word.

There’s nothing better than getting yourself into the Word of God and spending time daily with your Creator. It’s necessary for our growth as Christians and for our ability to become more like Christ. This is our aim as we seek to glorify God and commune with him daily.
